Enabling DOCX Resume Previewing Function on Recruitment Module
On-Site Clients on older Versions (below 7.x) reported having trouble previewing Resumes/CV's on the Recruitment Module where the Candidate has uploaded them as a DOCX or any other format other than PDF.
The solution for this issue was to install two packages related to LibreOffice (library) on the Client's Server. These packages were required for the DOCX to PDF Conversions that were dynamically handled from the backend.
When the client reports such an issue please follow the below to validate and provide the resolution.
- Validate if soffice (LibreOffice) library is installed on the Client's Server. Run the below command to verify (modify the parameters as required). This would check if the required package is installed on the Server. If yes, the DOCX file will be converted as a PDF, otherwise, the message to Install required Packages will be displayed.
- soffice --headless --convert-to pdf /path/to/input_file.docx --outdir /tmp
- Eg: soffice --headless --convert-to pdf /home/orangehrm/test.docx --outdir /home/orangehrm
- Install the required packages if they are missing, using the below commands.
- sudo apt install libreoffice-common
- sudo apt-get install libreoffice-writer
- Check from Front-end if DOCX Resumes are loading properly on the Preview Function.
Additional Notes:
Client Reported: Rutgers
Version: 6.4.9 (Custom)
Ticket: #7765 Not able to view candidates resumes
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