SSL Certificate Updation - Onsite Clients
This KB was generated with Volante Technologies in mind as the client has a minor difference in how they update these certificates on their side (Azure Front Door). The certificate validity shows correctly when checking on the browser, however, on the server side we need to update the new certificates manually. If this is not done their system becomes inaccessible which opposes the usual SSL Certificate expiry scenarios. Follow the below steps to resolve the issue:
- Get the Certificate File, Key File and Chain File from the client.
- Add the above files in the appropriate locations:

- SSLCertificateFile / SSLCertificateChainFile - /etc/ssl/certs/<file_name.crt> (grant 644 permission)
- SSLCertificateKeyFile - /etc/ssl/private/<file_name.key> (grant 600 permission)
- Update the Apache Host Config file.

- Add the new directory paths to the above files on /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/orangehrm.conf
- Reload Apache Services.
- Access the Frontend and confirm Login and Menu Loading
You can use the below tool to verify the validity of the Certificate Files
You can check the Apache logs using:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log
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